CST1752 Introduction to Diagnostics

This course is designed for the student entering the computer systems field who desires an understanding of computer hardware architecture, system upgrading, and troubleshooting.  Students will be able to disassemble and reassemble a computer in the final lab.  (Prerequisites: MSET1814 or Instructor Approval) (3 Credits) (2 Lecture, 1 Lab, 0 On the Job Training, 2 General Lab)

This course focuses on both theory and hands-on training in the diagnosis and correction of personal computer hardware and operating system problems. Information will be presented in a self paced, personalized format in the laboratory.

1. Upgrading and Repairing PCs. 14th Edition (or 13th Edition) (Student supplied textbook)
2. Course Instructional Guide (Online)

The student is expected to spend at least 48 hours studying the reference texts and information sheets, completing worksheets, and completing lab exercises and 64 hours working through an instructional guide with instructor support and testing. The student is expected to take a self directed approach to learning through available resources.  The student will also spend 30 hours at the CST PC help desk recording problems and solutions as part of lab work for this course. (30 General Lab hours)

See this link for additional course expectations.

Student objectives and evaluations are translated to a percentage and the percentages to grades. A score of at least 70% is required for each evaluation item.  The following percentage distribution guarantees the following grade: A:93%↑, A-:90%↑, B+:87%↑, B:83%↑, B-:78%↑, C+:77%↑, C:73%↑, C-:70%↑, NC:<70%.  The weightings of the evaluations are as follows:

Worksheets 20%
Labs 20%
Test 1 20%
Test 2 20%
Test 3 20%
Total 100%

The student is expected to spend at least 48 hours in self study and 64 hours with direction from instructors and/or instructional guides and testing. The sequence of instruction is the order of course goals as specified in the instructional guide.

The following list of course goals will be addressed in the course. These goals are directly related to the performance objectives.

Credit 1 - Workshop Practices and Computer Components

Unit 1 - Workshop Practices


1. explain shop safety
2. describe electrostatic discharge
3. apply electrostatic discharge
4. explain soldering
5. use hand tools
6. use soldering tools
7. use desoldering tools

Unit 2 - CPU

8. identify CPU
9. describe CPU
10. analyze CPU

Unit 3 - Motherboards

11. identify motherboards
12. describe motherboards
13. analyze motherboards

Unit 4 - Bus Systems

14. identify bus systems
15. describe bus systems
16. analyze bus systems

CREDIT 2 - Memory, Power Supply, and Drives

Unit 1 - Memory

17. identify memory
18. describe memory
19. analyze memory

Unit 2 - Power Supply

20. identify power supply
21. analyze power supply
22. measure power supply
23. analyze component interaction

Unit 3- Floppy Drives

24. identify floppy drive
25. describe floppy drive
26. analyze floppy drive
27. install floppy drive

Unit 4- Hard Drives


28. identify hard drive
29. describe hard drive
30. analyze hard drive
31. use internet specifications
32. use partition magic

CREDIT 3 - Hard Drive Operation and System Build

Unit 1 - Hard Drive Interfaces

33. identify hard drive interfaces
34. describe hard drive interfaces
35. analyze hard drive interfaces
36. use hard drive interfaces

Unit 2 - Hard Drive Installation and Configuration

37. describe hard drive installation
38. install hard drive
39. partition hard drive
40. verify hard drive operation

Unit 3 - Building and Testing System

41. explain computer maintenance
42. apply system assembly
43. configure completed computer
44. apply system building
45. demonstrate system maintenance
46. describe diagnostic tools
47. use diagnostic software
48. use diagnostic hardware


Version Information:
Oct  xth, 2001 Original course material compliments of Gary Meyer. (gcm)
Jan  6th, 2002 Course material moved to new online format. (adb)
Jan 28th, 2002 Moved CPUs before motherboards and bus systems. (adb)
Mar 17th, 2002 Added General Studies designations. (adb)
Jan  9th, 2003 Clarified grading method. (adb)