PC Build - Lab 1

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Instructor signoff: ______________________

1.  Find a PC.

2.  Draw diagrams on paper whatever connectors you feel are important to record the positions of.  Typically the connectors of concern are the connectors that go to the LEDs and switches on the front of the case.






3.  Take static precautions when handling PC components.

3.  Disassemble the entire PC.  The PC needs to be completely stripped.  The motherboard needs to be out of the case.  The power supply needs to be out of the case.  The hard drive and floppy drive needs to be out of the case.

4.  Show an instructor that the PC is completely disassembled.

5.  Completely reassemble the PC.

6.  The PC must boot properly.

7.  All aspects of the PC must be functioning correctly.  This includes all buttons, LEDs, drives, etc.

7.  Show an instructor that the PC is working.